Energy Therapy

Anxiety, overwhelm, inability to feel safe, calm in general in life are sure sign of the nervous system being on high alert, due to previous trauma.

This trauma can often go back to being in the womb even. If your mother experienced constant, high levels of stress whilst carrying you, then you have also experienced that. That experience becomes your first imprint for your nervous system, preparing you for what’s going to come when you come into this world.

Its clever yet can often set us up for a lifelong journey into anticipating the same emotions in every moment, which makes you anxious, overwhelmed, unsafe and restless.

The next possible event that can cause similar affects to the nervous system is being born. Long, strenuous labour, being taken away from your mother, even for the routine checks or in some cases longer for health concerns.

After being born, for the first 2 years or so, everything your mother/ primary caregiver were experiencing on a regular basis, you took on as your own experience. Because we are at that young age unable to differentiate between what’s yours and what isn’t. So, if your mother/ primary caregiver was an anxious, stressed out, overwhelmed person, again it becomes your early imprint for later life.

Then there are traumatic experiences in life we come across with, that can change things inside us and leads us down this path of anxiety, stress and feeling of unsafe.

Are we doomed?

No! There’s way to ‘correct’ these experiences, so they don’t have to run your life. Energy therapy can be one modality I use, because all these experiences are stored in your body and can be felt energetically. If you create a safe environment for your body (during a session) your body will release these emotions and thus can find a new way of operating.

How about being aware of it? Isn’t that enough?

You see, you can be aware of previous trauma, like oh I know my mother had a rough, stressful pregnancy with me, is one thing, but its not going to be enough for your nervous system to allow you to move on. It’s a great place to start, not that you have to be aware of trauma necessary, to let it go.

Think of it like this. Your lawn has a patch of dirt path on it, say diagonally, because that’s how you and others have walked through it for a long time. You now decide not to use that path any longer, instead you’ll be getting some beautiful stone to be put down on one side, for a proper path. Unless you put down some grass seeds (healing the trauma) the path will remain, because the grass won’t grow back, correct? So, once you put down the grass seeds (healing) you can get the stone path laid down (new way of being).

Once the body lets go off the old trauma pattern you can start creating new patterns. The canvas is clean. That’s when real transformation happens. That’s when anxiety melts away and a sense of calm, safety and happiness comes in, like many of my clients have said it – it’s like magic!

Now, in order for the body to heal properly, especially from chronic stress and anxiety you need to support the body with the health foundations, such as the right nutrition, correct breathing, ability to sleep well, have supporting thoughts and movement. Because lack of any of these health foundations can set off the stress cycle again. The longer and often you are in the stress cycle, the more likely for your body to adapt to it and make it a norm!

That’s why I focus on all the health foundations, alongside supporting the body’s ability to letting go of the trauma. Your body always wants the best for you, you just have to find the way to support it enough. 

I only have one question to ask:

Are you ready to transform your life?

You have two options to work with me:

Either The Ultimate Body Reset coaching program (min of 3 months), where we are going to address all the health foundations


You can choose to experience one of the modalities from my signature Ultimate Body Reset Program – The Imprint Reset, which is focused on clearing the old imprint (trauma) that are causing you to be stuck. This session is a great way to kick start your new life.

The Imprint Reset: $300
Session duration is 90min

Can be done in person or via Zoom. Energy is just energy; the location doesn’t matter! 😊 Just like this client did:

“Before I came to you Regina, I felt very anxious and depressed. I couldn’t eat, sleep, barely even sip some water. I was taking melatonin day and night and valerian root.  When I came to see you not going to lie, I was skeptical and scared because I’ve never heard of craniosacral therapy* before. But right after my first session I already felt like a brand-new person. It’s like all of this negative energy just left my body. And honestly each and every session everything just kept getting easier and easier. I stopped crying throughout my day. I was able to sleep and finally eat normally.  I was able to think more positively and just feel some normalcy in my life. Honestly Regina I don’t know what I would do without you. I was so desperate before coming to you that I was going to go on anti-depressants. But thanks to you I didn’t.”



*craniosacral therapy is a form of energy therapy

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