Ultimate Body Reset

Your anxiety and high stress level makes you feel anxious, overwhelmed, and unable to enjoy life. You’ve been wondering how to overcome this state, but you don’t know how. You’ve heard about meditation, exercise and certain food that can help you boots your mood, but you are still stuck. You just know that you ought to be able to live a better quality of life.

I agree with you. Close to two decades ago I was in the same situation until I started to study the human body to fix myself. I’ve developed my own method of helping people like yourself and have helped countless numbers of people so far. I’d love to be able to help you too.

The 12-week Ultimate Body Reset Program:

Is for women who are feeling stuck, anxious, stressed and overwhelmed with their life and ready to make changes to claim their power, feel confident, strong in every aspect of their life.

    It is right for you, if:

      • You are anxious all the time and don’t even know why
      • You are feeling overwhelmed with work and dreading the day ahead of you
      • You are unable to be present with your partner/ kids and the relationship is suffering from it
      • You are struggling to enjoy life because you’re anticipating the worst in every situation
      • You are having a hard time switching off/ relaxing/ sleeping because your head is always “on”
      • You are finding yourself lashing out “for no apparent reason”
      • You are putting off looking after yourself, because just pulling through the day is already a huge effort
      • You are having health issues and ready to solve them
      • You want professional support to help you transform your life
      • You are ready to put in the work and commitment to see real results

    “I started working with Regina because I felt anxious and stressed all the time, not knowing why, which frustrated me. Working with her I found that I now feel different, my work doesn’t overwhelm me anymore, I have no anxiety and feel happy. It’s really like magic, a great experience. I highly recommend Regina!” 


    Let me ask you something. If you stayed where you are now:

    How many things will you sacrifice because you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and miserable?

    How long will your family be affected by your current state?

    How much will it cost in medical bills if you stayed the same?

    What is at stake for you?

    If you’re ready to change your life, I will help you!

    Here’s how I work as a Health Coach:

    To achieve long lasting mental/ emotional wellbeing I use an integrated approach that works on the health foundational principles.

    These are:

    – Your food intake

    – Your sleep quality/ quantity

    – Your breathing efficiency (proper autonomic breathing)

    – Your common thought patterns

    – Your unresolved trauma

    – Your exercise regime

      Because, if your diet isn’t supporting your body you’ll experience stress, mood swings and hormonal issues.

      I help you with what to eat, how often to eat.

      Stress negatively affects your breathing pattern and sleep.

      I teach you the correct way of breathing and how to achieve a good night sleep.

      Your thoughts and unresolved traumas can also set off the stress pathway and keep you under stress.

      I work with your internal dialogue, using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy. I also use The Imprint Reset, which is a form of energy therapy.

      Regular exercise helps you boost your ‘feel good hormones’ and helps you keep a clear head, let alone the obvious health benefits.

      I find out where your activity level is and come up with a program that you can easily execute even in your home.

      I then put a plan together for you and we start implementing the changes every week.

        What is NLP?

        Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them and has been utilized successfully since the ‘70s. 

        A literal translation of Neuro Linguistic Programming is that it teaches us to better understand the way our brain (Neuro) processes the words we use (Linguistic) and how that can impact on our past, present and future (Programming). 

        You can stay stuck and play the blame game because your life isn’t the way you want it to be. Or you can transform any aspect of your life easily within an hour! The decision is yours. 

        What is Energy Therapy?

        A wellness complementing, alternative treatment, based on the vital energy (chi) that flows through the human body. The goal of energy therapy is to balance the chi in the client. It is used to reduce stress and anxiety and promote well-being.

        Learn more about energy therapy here

        Ultimate Body Reset Package

        The length of Coaching varies depending on what outcome you are seeking, but the minimum commitment is three months.



        $2500/3 months

        What’s Included:

        What’s Included:

        • Detailed questionnaires to determine where you are exactly with your health foundations and what you need help with
        • One hour call once a week
        • Unlimited email support
        • The Imprint Reset
        • One of my 5 Hypnaudio™ Hypnotherapy recordings, based on your specific needs
        • Additional resources/ information to guarantee your transformation
        By the end of the Ultimate Body Reset you’ll gain knowledge on:
        • How to eat to support yourself and avoiding starting the stress cycle 
        • How to manage your stress levels with easy and effective tools
        • How to have more energy and better mood to enjoy life again
        • How to get a better night sleep to increase recovery and wellbeing
        • How to utilize movement to help you feel great
        You’ll also have:
        • The understanding about how to regulate your nervous system
        • The right knowledge to be in charge of your emotional/ mental wellbeing
        • The correct steps to trouble shoot any future dips if they occur

        Vika was experiencing regular panic attacks, tight chest, struggling to breathe, felt constantly stressed out and would easily get agitated in everyday situations. She had also been on anti-depressants for 5 years, which she didn’t want to take anymore.

        “Regina, after first session I’m really better. Even if I have some sad conversation, or annoying person again calls, or problem at work or in my relationship with boyfriend, I feel that I can go through this. And I still don’t take pills!!!! And no panic attack! For sure sometimes I feel like I’m nervous, but it’s human being. We can’t be without sense. But I can control it. Thank you again Regina!!!!”



        Now is the time to make the change you always dreamt of and create the future you deserve. Are you ready?

        Get In Touch

        Email: regina@unlockthepowers.com

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