Get Back to Health Blueprint

A 6-week intensive course to teach you everything you need to know to solve your lower back pain

1. Course Title

“Get Back to Health Blueprint”

2. Course Description

6-week intensive course to teach you everything you need to know to solve your lower back pain

3. What is the problem we are solving for you?

Is this you:

Do you often feel that you’re only a moment away from a bad episode of back pain?

Do you feel confused about whether you should be stretching or exercising to get rid of your back pain?

Do you feel that ‘bad back’ runs in the family and there’s nothing you can do to help it?

4. What is the transformation you are receiving with the program?

When it comes to lower back pain it is often not simply a structural problem or muscles weakness. That is why conventional therapy, like physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy doesn’t achieve a long-lasting result.
Gut inflammation, excess stress, sleep issues, lifestyle and food choices and even mindset plays a role into lower back pain. This 6-week program is addressing structural problems, muscle weakness and all the missing pieces.
Imagine being able to know what is causing your lower back pain and have the right information to help yourself solving it. Wouldn’t that be empowering? But more importantly, how much money could you save not having to see a ‘specialist’ every time you have a flare up? I’m willing to bet that it is a lot of money you’ve already spent with not much success. Let’s change that!

 This course helps you understand what is driving the pain, so that you feel empowered.

You will learn what to do in response to common problems and how to correct it.
Where you need to develop strength vs which areas needs releasing, to minimize guessing what your body needs.
You’ll learn what other things can feed into the back pain, such as gut inflammation, excess stress, sleep issues and even our mindset.
Once you understand how to fix those parts you can do your daily tasks without having to worry about a painful back, you’ll be able to get back to being active, play your favorite sports, enjoy time with your children/ grandchildren.

But wait, that is not it! By the end of the six-week program, you’ll gain the knowledge on:

– How to get a better night sleep
– How to have more energy (pain zaps our energy!)
– How to have a better mood
– How to have better digestion
– How to manage your stress levels

5. Details about the course:

The course starts off with a 1:1 assessment on your structure to determine what area you need to focus on. This assessment will allow us to give you the right exercise video program. You get one focused corrective exercise routine and 2 three-week strength programs to progress with.
We will go live via Zoom once a week with a particular topic and finishing off with a Q&A session. These sessions will be recorded if you can’t attend live, and you’ll still be able to forward questions we will answer for you.
You get ongoing email support.
Once a week you’ll fill out a progress report, so we know where you are and if you need any additional help.
You’ll get resources on stress management, better sleep quality, recipes to heal the gut and our hypnotherapy recording on pain management.
At the end we will review and clarify any unanswered questions in order to make you successful in applying this information.

6. Dates of the course:

The course starts Tuesday October 5. We’ll go live every Tuesday 12pm EST for one hour over six weeks.

7. Tuition:

Normally 2 hours of 1:1 work with us is the cost of this entire course.

The pilot course will be a discounted cost of $497 in full or a payment plan of $277x 2 is available. First payment is due before the course application deadline and second is 4 weeks later.

8. Guarantee:

If you are having difficulty in any way throughout the course, we guarantee that we’ll be available to get you through your concern.

9. Application deadline:

Because of the individualized attention we’ll be offering, we can only take on 10 participants. The deadline to apply for the course is September 28 2021.

10. Instructors Bio

Living with back pain can be worrying, frustrating and limiting on our lives to say the least. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Regina and David have a combined experience of 35 years industry practice, helping thousands of clients with their pain. It is our mission to help as many people as possible to live without pain.

Regina – I am a CORE Method Success and Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Health and Exercise Practitioner, and a Biodynamics Craniosacral Therapist. My company Empowered Me intertwines all these modalities under one roof. For most of my teens and twenties I was in pain which the traditional medicine was unable to resolve. So once in my twenties I’ve decided to study the human body. I’ve spent years going further and further down the rabbit hole, connecting the dots, applying the knowledge onto myself first. As a result, I’ve managed to overcome my health issues and live a pain free life. I am passionate about empowering others to do the same. 

David – Along with owning and operating my fitness and wellness studios in Union Square NYC, my background ranges from Performance Enhancement Specialist, ELDOA practitioner and Soma training student under world renown spinal surgeon and osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer, Neurokinetic Therapy, Restorative Breathing, Postural Restoration Institute, and Holistic Lifestyle Coach to name a few. Practicing since 1997, the more than two decades of experience and application allowed me to integrate multiple visions of what health and wellness consists of within my FITCURE brand. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, who have seen all sorts of specialists for their pain with no results. They have all been surprised by my multi-disciplinary approach to pain management and the results they’ve gotten. Let me help you be the next success story.

11. How to enroll:

Sign up by clicking on the registration button below.

12. Have questions?

If you have any further questions, please email us at

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